Powering Through a Workout
This morning I needed to complete a training run and was not really in the mood for a workout. I wanted to plan out meals for the week and head to the grocery store. But, I knew that not working out in the morning would significantly decrease the chance that my workout would happen today. So what did I do? I changed into my workout clothes, tied my hair up, and went out the door. At first it was a little struggle, but I was so glad I made the decision to workout. It felt really good to be outside exercising and I was very pleased with myself for accomplishing this goal. I know I would have regretted passing on this run. Time and time again I have never regretted a workout. I never feel guilty for working out or feel worse than when I started. I think it’s important to keep that in mind, when you do something good for yourself, you will always feel better about yourself. You are worth taking the time for, choose to put yourself first more often!