Asking for help!

This week flew by and on Friday I learned a very important lesson which is to ask for help!

I brought Honor to the mall for Santa 🎅 pictures Friday morning. She had a great time and her pictures turned out great. Of course, afterwards we explored the mall for about an hour. Lots to look at and we walked into many stores to admire their Christmas 🎄 decorations!

It was time to go home and Honor was splashing water 💦 in a fountain. I said ok let’s go and picked her up and turned to leave then crash boom 💥 walked right into a table and in a nanosecond my face hit the floor as I’m still holding Honor for dear life! 

She was perfectly fine thank God! I was bleeding since I hit my face on the ground. It happened so fast 😭 

Several people ran over to help us out and immediately got help to check my vitals from the Boca fire rescue who happened to be in the mall and the mall medic. Honor was ok and a nice lady and her daughter talked to Honor. My left shin, right wrist and face hurt. I didn’t land on my belly thank God for that! 

We got help to get to the car and drove home. I contacted my dentist and midwife. My dentist said I could visit Monday if I was still in pain. My midwife said to go to labor and delivery at the hospital to ensure the placenta wasn’t disturbed by the fall. My husband  met me at the hospital 🏥 and I got monitored for 2 hours to check baby’s heartbeat 💗 and check for contractions. No contractions thankfully!! Baby’s heartbeat 💗 was solid and she kicked several times while we were there.

It was really scary and I want to thank everyone who helped us even though I don’t know your names. You are so appreciated!!❤️❤️

Lessons I learned:

Ask for help. I could have asked for assistance in leaving the mall with Honor. It’s too much right now to take her to a place like the mall. Target or grocery shopping I can handle with her in a shopping cart. Or next time go with Heman or ask a friend.

I need to stop picking up Honor. My balance isn’t getting any better as I get more pregnant 🤰 it’s getting uncomfortable too.

My hope in sharing my experience is that you’ll stop and ask for help. I’m pretty stubborn myself but now I realize just how much I need to ask for

Believe in your dreams!

Tonight I’ll keep it brief. Any dreams you have and we all have them don’t we? You must believe in your dreams more than anyone else in the world! That is a bold statement but unless you believe in your dreams the most they won’t come true or at least not as quickly as you’d like. Waiting around for someone else to believe in you or waiting for the approval of others will just postpone your dreams. And guess what? It’s not up to anyone else but you to believe in your dreams because they are yours to fulfill. Not that you can’t ask for help in bringing them to fruition, this is not what I’m speaking about.

Believe in your dreams.

You have them for a reason.

Believe in yourself.

Have faith you can do it – because you can!!

Going dairy free

Most of my life I consumed dairy, in my childhood, I recall having a stomach ache! That was just my normal so I didn’t think I could do anything about it. I was the one with the sensitive tummy, but we never thought that what I was eating could have anything to do with it.

In my college years, I continued eating dairy, plenty of pizza and ice cream during late night studying sessions. In addition to weight gain, I got something called Cystic acne. This was not very attractive for a college student and I wanted to just hide my face, I would get red spots on my chin or nose with a large bubble underneath the skin. I had no idea what it was and it was the first time in my life I had ever experienced acne. Dermatologists gave me antibiotics and it seemed to help some but the acne always came back. After college, I got a job with good health insurance so I went to the dermatologist who then suggested Accutane. It’s a very harsh drug that dries out your sebaceous glands to clear up severe acne, however, it cannot be used long term and you must be monitored closely by your doctor, including monthly blood tests and required 2 forms of birth control to prevent pregnancy because birth defects are so severe.

I ended up needing a second round of Accutane a few years later for 6 months. I have to say that if I had removed dairy from my diet all those years ago, I would have been able to avoid using Accutane altogether. Also, I started getting headaches daily and had gastrointestinal issues like severe diarrhea which I had never experienced before.

At the time I had no idea that what I put into my body or on my body had an effect. Even today when I consume unknowingly something with dairy, a small cyst will form on my face within a day or two so I know dairy made it’s way into my body. It’s unfortunate to be so sensitive to any type of food but I’m happy that I do know and can avoid it as much as possible.

With my now toddler daughter, I’m very cautious about giving her dairy because I don’t want her to go through what I experienced. We give her a dairy free pea milk called, Unsweetened Vanilla Ripple Milk– it’s high in protein and has an excellent nutritional profile including Calcium and Vitamin D.

She has tried dairy cheese and yogurt and seems to tolerate them well but I hesitate to make that a regular part of her diet so we use dairy free substitutions. My husband consumes dairy regularly otherwise she would probably be completely dairy free.

Bottom line, what goes in your body does effect you and every food available may not be the best food for you.

I Get To

I get to…

I get to be a mom

I get to become a mom again

I get to be a wife

I get to be an entrepreneur

I get to choose

I get to become the person I want

I feel so grateful because I get to do all of these things and more. It’s easy to get caught up in life and obligations. It’s easy to get frustrated when the days are so busy and sometimes nothing seems to go my way. SO I have to remind myself that I get to do all of these things and then I feel so lucky for this life. In gratitude, I feel more happy and positive. More able to do the hard things and more able to become the person I want to become.

So if you are feeling stuck, make a list of all the things you get to do and you will be reminded of all the blessings in your life. There is always something to be grateful for even in the hardest seasons of life.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you had a wonderful day with loved ones whether close friends or family!

It’s so important to take time to be with people. It seems like everything is within reach so easily with our phones that we can lose human connection in person. As someone who’s an introvert I enjoy being able to reach people with the phone but it’s definitely important to be face to face with our loved ones as often as we are able. Technology is a blessing but going back to old school is necessary for our well being too.