
Ooops, You’re Doing It Wrong! Here’s When to Take Fish Oil

I am happy to share with you a guest post from Vitacost! I love Vitacost because of the care they take with their customers, the amazing selection of products they sell, and of course their super low prices. Read on for great information about when to take fish oil and why you should be taking it! Remember to get your fish oil from Vitacost for great products at the best prices!

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If you roll out of bed, brush your teeth, then chug a big glass of water to wash down all of your daily supplements—you’re doing it wrong. Certain nutrients, such as vitamin D, CoQ10 and the omega-3 essential fatty acids found in fish oil, are better absorbed when taken with a meal, especially one cushioned with a little fat.

For many Americans, taking fish oil is high on the supplement priority list. A 2010 survey of U.S. adults who regularly use dietary supplements found that 75 percent take fish oil daily, making it the most popular supplement—ahead of calcium, vitamin D, CoQ10 and even multivitamins.

Strongly recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA) for its heart-healthy benefits, and increasingly recognized for its role in other aspects of good health (including brain development and mood), fish oil provides two fatty acids—eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)—that the body needs, but can’t make on its own. Although the AHA encourages people to obtain these nutrients by eating fresh, whole fish, most Americans fall short when it comes to meeting the twice-weekly recommendation.

Fish oil supplements are a convenient way to obtain more omega-3 fatty acids. They’re also a way to obtain higher levels of DHA and EPA, which are sometimes advised when cardiovascular health issues are present. The AHA recommends one gram daily for those with documented coronary heart disease, and notes that those with elevated triglyceride levels may take two to four grams daily, if directed by a physician.

To get the most from fish oil supplements, keep the following in mind:

• Always take fish oil supplements with a meal, preferably one containing fat. This promotes better absorption of nutrients and helps eliminate unpleasant side effects such as stomach upset, heartburn, belching (“fish burps”) and bad breath. (Note: Enteric-coated supplements, which dissolve in the intestines rather than the stomach, can also help minimize discomfort.)

• Divide fish oil doses throughout the day, especially if you’re taking large amounts. Unlike some vitamins and minerals, which may last only several hours in the bloodstream, essential fatty acids can stay present for several days. “Essential” means they’re used by every cell in the body, but are not produced internally—so it’s important to keep levels steady with regular intake.

• Do not take fish oil supplements if you’re taking blood-thinning medication unless directed by a physician. High doses can cause an increased risk of bleeding. Taking fish oil with herbs that slow clotting, such as Panax ginseng, turmeric, gingko biloba, garlic and ginger, may also cause bleeding in some people.

This article has been provided by the folks at has been selling discount vitamins since 1994. Since then it’s grown into one of the biggest online marketplaces for healthy living essentials-with vitamins and supplements being just one of their many helpful categories! Get the best price on vitamins, nutritional supplements, whole foods and diet products.’s customers mean the world to them, and it’s their goal to provide you with the best nutritional supplements, natural foods and sports nutrition to help with your health and wellness. is not affiliated with this blog, and isn’t responsible for content outside of this article.

By: +Rebecca Chopin writer for

Fish Oil: How To Choose The Best And Safest

Fish oil is one of those supplements that we constantly hear about. “Get your Omega-3s, take fish oil!”

So you run to the store, where you are faced with a wall of supplements and 20+ options for fish oil. Go online and there are hundreds of choices. So what is the best choice and how do you narrow down the right one for you and stay within your budget?

There are a few key phrases to look for on your bottle of fish oil. Check for the statement, “molecularly distilled”. This is a process by which the oil is spun rapidly to separate toxic metals and other impurities from the fish oil, making it safe for consumption. Some manufacturer’s also state their product is FREE of PCBs and heavy toxic metals.

You can also look for the NSF quality seal on the supplement label. This label means the product was tested and is clear of heavy metals, which include, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury. NSF created an independent testing standard and product certification program for dietary supplements. Choosing products with this seal will ensure the product meets high industry standards to protect your safety. This is a voluntary program, so not all products will have this particular label, this just provides you with one more way to achieve peace of mind.


You want your fish oil to contain at least 1000mg of combined EPA and DHA. Check the label for other ingredients and review the fish oil source, such as anchovy, mackerel, sardine, or salmon. Avoid products that contain titanium dioxide, this goes for any dietary supplement. Scan label to ensure you are not sensitive to other ingredients, such as soy, wheat, or nuts.