Ever since I heard about the new West Boca Raton Green Market, I’ve made it there almost every week to seek out delicious foodie finds. I spotted Katrina, the owner of Mom and Me Jams with her wide selection of colorful and homemade jams. Chatting with Katrina about the jams, I learned that everything is tripled sterilized and made fresh on a weekly basis – take that Welch’s grape! She had me at homemade, preservative free, family recipe. Now that’s made with love and doesn’t food made that way taste so much better!
I sampled a few flavors by the spoon and was thrilled by the idea of mango jam, who would have thought to make this? I’m so glad she did!
I could have put in on toast or oatmeal, but I craved something savory for this sweet delight. A sweet and savory dish was born.
Mango Chicken and Sweet Potatoes over Spinach

This one pan dish pleases a crowd. I made it for my mother-in-law and her mother when they came into town then I made it again tonight. It’s delicious and satisfying, I even took my mother-in-law to the green market last Sunday and she picked up a jar of her own. Now she can recreate this back home in her kitchen too.

All Mom and Me Jams come in this adorable jar sealed with pretty cloth and a ribbon!

1-2 Tablespoons coconut oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 large sweet potato or garnet yam, chopped
1#-1.5# chicken breast, cut into cubes
3 Tablespoons Mom and Me Jams {Mango Jam}
sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste
2 cups fresh spinach per plate, optional to enjoy with cooked dish
1. Chop onion and sweet potatoes.
2. Heat pan to medium then add 1 Tablespoon coconut oil. Coat pan with coconut oil then add onion and potatoes.
3. Stir onion and sweet potatoes in pan to coat with oil, then turn down heat to medium-low and cover.
4. Cook veggies 10-12 minutes until fork goes through easily, you want the veggies al dente at this point.
5. Turn heat up to medium again. Push veggies to outside of pan then add cut up chicken breast to middle of pan and top with mango jam.
6. Turn chicken over and cook all sides, stir to distribute mango jam over chicken. Add 1 Tablespoon coconut oil to pan, if needed.
7. Turn heat down to medium-low and simmer 5 minutes with cover on pan.
8. Check to ensure chicken is cooked through and no longer pink, juices will run clear from chicken.
9. Turn heat back to medium for final sear and toss chicken, onions, sweet potatoes with mango jam. Add sea salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste.
10. Serve hot over a bed of fresh spinach.
11. Enjoy!!

Find Mom and Me Jams locally at the West Boca Green Market Sundays year-round 8:30am – 2pm.
Katrina currently makes 12 varieties of jams and jellies. A few are made specifically for grilling as well.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomAndMeJams
Twitter: http://twitter.com/momandmejams
Phone: 561.287.6058
E-mail: momandmejams@gmail.com