maternity belt
I’m officially 31 weeks pregnant now and had a great check up with my midwife this week. She said baby is head down (yay!) and showed me she could feel baby’s head using her hands on my belly. She said the baby’s back is up by my belly button, I was wondering what prominent body part that was I could feel.
I let her know I’m wearing full leg compression sleeves to support especially my right leg and I’m feeling pressure and seeing veins bulge in my groin area. She said a maternity belt would help with that and support the weight of my belly. I went ahead and ordered one on Amazon and it is definitely helping me feel more comfortable!
This pregnancy is definitely more challenging with varicose veins bulging but otherwise I feel pretty good, just tired. I ended up with sciatica towards the end of my first pregnancy so I’m hoping that doesn’t appear again because it was so painful and hard to even walk around so that would be inconvenient and make taking care of my 3-year old more challenging.